Grab The Games: State of Mind

“When mind and machine become one – what will remain of humanity?” that’s the first thing you will notice when you open the Steam page of the game. Which game may you ask? Let’s start at the very beginning. Of course, I am talking about a brand new title called the State Of Mind. Berlin, 2048 – The world is on the brink. Lack of resources, illnesses caused by polluted air and water, crime on the rise, war.

Governments and companies promise remedies through technological progress. Drones and humanoid robots replace humans in the public sector, everything is interconnected, and surveillance has become omnipresent. Richard Nolan is one of the few journalists openly criticizing this development. When he wakes up in hospital after an explosion and finds that his wife and son have mysteriously vanished, Richard realizes: he and his family have become more than just bystanders in a storm of rivaling ideas pertaining humankind’s salvation between dystopian reality and digital utopia. Instead, they find themselves right at the center of it.

But is it any good? Is it worth the hype? Should you pick it up right now or wait for it? Stick around, and you will find out soon. To begin with, the very first aspect that impressed me is the graphics and in general the artwork of the title. They are sharp and create a fantastic atmosphere for even the most demanding players. The worlds, the level design, and everything is life-like and realistic.

Furthermore, I should also mention that there are five different playable characters you will use along the way and try to unravel the mystery that lies in this adventure. Moreover, something that I should mention is the fact that this sci-fi thriller always keeps you on the edge of your seat and makes you think what possibly is coming next. As far as the negative aspects are concerned, there aren’t any; I couldn’t find anything that could discourage you from not having fun and enjoying the title to its fullest. The price is also fair as well.

To sum up, the game is impressive and is worth picking it up. The story and all the features of the title will keep it alive, and you will want to see how the adventure ends! I would suggest picking it up IMMEDIATELY.


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