Grab The Games: Ridge

It's time for another great review and a game I was really waiting for to write about since it was announced and of course I am talking about Ridge. But what is this game? Is it worth picking up? Stick around and you will found right now! Let's start by mentioning a few things about the game in general. It's an adventure horror game developed by one person, inspired by real events.

You will come face to face with danger, riddles and mysteries, against the background of beautiful scenery and terrible caves and dungeons.Will you reveal the secret? Will you survive? Will you dare to wade through? Ridge - a real place, rumor has it that there are very strange things happen. Residents of Volgograd region argue that there is a constant presence of UFOs and other unexplained things. Twisted and scorched trees, force to give serious thought to it. The very first thing that I loved in the game is definitely the graphics and the fact that everything was mostly developed by one person using Unreal 4 technology engine.

The environments are amazing, full of details, sharp and they offer the player an experience like he is in a dream. Moreover I loved the mystery in this game. At first, you don't get much about the story but you discover more as you investigate the scenery and the caves of the title which are more than 50. I should also not forget to mention that the fighting system of the game is satisfying

with a lot of enemies to defeat each one with unique abilities. The change of day and time can affect the gameplay and the overall experience of the title. The price is good as well. As far as the negative aspects are concerned, there isn't much but i have to mention the fact that in the beginning because there is not an actual tutorial I found it really confusing to escape the first case without asking for help.

To sum up, the game is overall satisfying and well developed but the luck of guidance especially for the players that are not experienced can discourage them from continue playing the title.

Verdict: 7.5/10



+developed by one person

+fighting system


+day and night cycle


-tutorial and luck of guidance especially when you first start the game

Dionysis Spinos


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