Grab The Games: Maize

Finally Maize is live on Steam, a few weeks now, and I couldn't be happier not only that we have our hands on it but also that we are going to present you a full review of the title! But what is this game? Is it worth the hype? Should you pick it up right now or wait for it? Stick around and you will find out now. Let's start by mentioning a few things about the game itself. Maize is a first-person adventure game about what happens when two scientists misinterpret a memo from the U.S. Government and create sentient corn.

And that last sentence is pretty much the least ridiculous thing about the game. Explore an abandoned farm and a not-so-abandoned underground research facility as you uncover the mysteries around Maize, and possibly learn a bit about yourself along the way or maybe not. With a colorful cast of characters and an absolutely absurd world, Maize offers up a unique experience that keeps the surprises coming. Seriously, they're everywhere. To begin with, the very first aspect that really impressed me is the graphics and in general the art work of the title.

They are really sharp and create an amazing atmosphere for even the most demanding players. The soundtrack of the title is decent as well with some good scores especially near the end of the game where ok I can't say more because I don't want to spoil the fun but you will know when that moment comes! Moreover, I loved the fact that this is such a big and immersive world full of twists. This cornucopia features a lot of different sceneries as well. I loved also the fact that when a new area unlocks you see it on your screen.

Furthermore, the more you explore and the story unfolds, the more weird the puzzles became but you can still solve them easily. Moreover, I loved the character in the game all of them were fun with good voice acting. Especially the bear! As far as the negative aspects are concerned, I found the game a little bit too easy, the interactive objects are glowing when you are near, the puzzles are too easy some times and the game is about 4 hours long.

To sum up, the game is really a-maize-ing (see what I did?) despite the negative aspects and is definitely worth picking it up. The story and the weird plot twists will keep it alive and you will definitely want to see how the story ends! I would suggest picking it up during a discount.

Verdict: 7,5/10



+ new edition

+character progression



-no replay value

- easy puzzles


Dionysis Spinos


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