Grab The Games: INSIDE

Today, I am really to present you the brand new game from Playdead the creators of Limbo. And yes the game is as amazing as you expected it to be. But what's the story of this title? Is it worth picking it up? Glad you asked, stick around and you will find out right now.

The story is that you are a nameless, red-shirted boy hunted and alone, and you find yourself drawn into the center of a dark project that affects not only you but also the lives of everyone. Will you escape? Will you uncover the truth or will you die trying? It's up to you and your skills of course! To begin with the very first aspect that I loved in the game is definitely the graphics and in general the artwork of the title. Just like in Limbo, Inside is monochromatic, 2.5D game, using only splashes of color to highlight parts of the environment.

If you look closely you will see that compared to Limbo in this title the artwork is similar but definitely one step ahead of the previous game. They are more sharp, polished and create a really unique atmosphere for the player. Furthermore, I loved the puzzles in the game. They are well created and require a lot of thought but you will be able to surpass them since you can use a mechanic we have seen in The Swapper. You can control other bodies in order to help you in your adventures. I should also not forget to mention that at first the story is vague but you will understand more as the game progresses.

This element really made me want to keep on playing and discover what the game is all about and if I can escape. You will also go through a lot of emotions as the game progresses from sadness to anxiety. Be prepared for everything. As far as the negative aspects are concerned, there aren't any. If I had to mention one it would be the price compared to the length of the game but that depends on the player.

To sum up, Playdead managed to surpass themselves one more time through creating an even better game than Limbo. Despite the small negative aspect I mentioned, you should definitely pick it up.

Verdict: 9.5/10




+an emotional journey



Dionysis Spinos


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